- Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in other language (TL) (Catford, 1969:20)
- Translation is made possible by an equivalence of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions. (Savory, 1969:13)
- Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nida, 1969:12)
- Translation is a process of finding a TL equivalent for an SL utterance. (Pinchuck,177:38)
- Translation is a craft consisting of the attempt to replace a written message or statement in one language by the same message or statement in another language. (Newmark, 1981:7).
It can be concluded that :
In translation we use common terms, such as :
Equivalent = similar
Textual material = written message
Reproducing = replacing
Translation equivalence can in rank of word for word, phrase
for phrase, sentence for sentence etc.
Your knowledge of grammar plays an important role when you translate Indonesian to English.
English words with multiple meanings should be translated only in their context.
English words with multiple meanings should be translated only in their context.
Translate the following.
1. A heavy light blue jacket
2. Offshore oil drilling
3. A fine silver antique lamp
4. Paul is
fond of belling the cat.
5. Ki
Dalang memainkan wayang kulit semalam suntuk.
6. Andai
Yusuf Kalla menang dalam pemilu capres, dia tentu akan menjadi presiden
7. They
have to make a few changes , but at least they haven’t got to start again from
the scratch.
Catford (1969:2) divides translation into three
distinctive types :
1. Full translation v.s Partial translation
2. Total v.s Restricted translation
3. Rank of translation
Full v.s Partial
Full translation is translation which every part of the
SL text is replaced by TL text material. E.g.
- Saya akan membeli 2 buku = I
will buy two books.
-Mereka tidak membeli apa-apa = They didn’t buy anything.
While Partial translation is translation which part of SL text is left untranslated. E.g
- I like humberger = Saya suka humberger.
- Orang hutan itu sejenis monyet = Orangutan is a kind of ape.
Total v.s Restricted translation
Total translation is translation which SL grammar and
lexis are replaced by nequivalent TL grammar and lexis. E.g.
The child has
slept for three hours .
Anak itu telah
tidur selama tiga jam.
While in Restricted translation the replacement of SL grammar by equivalent TL grammar but with no repl
acement of lexis, and replacement of SL lexis by equivalent TL lexis but with no replacement of grammar. E.g.
- Anak itu telah tidur selama tiga jam.
Noun Det /Aux
Verb3 /prep / Det Noun
- Anak itu telah tidur selama tiga jam.
Child that / already sleep / for /
three/ hour
Rank of Translation
The rank of translation can be in the form of :
- Word to word translation
The child has
slept for three hours .
Anak itu telah
tidur selama tiga
While in Restricted translation the replacement of SL
grammar by equivalent TL grammar but with no replsacement of lexis, and
replacement of SL lexis by equivalent TL lexis but with no replacement of
grammar. E.g.
Anak itu telah
tidur selama tiga jam.
Noun Det /Aux
Verb3 /prep / Det Noun
Anak itu telah
tidur selama tiga
Child that / already sleep / for /
three/ hour
Rank of Translation
The rank of translation can be in the form of :
- Word to word translation
- Phrase to phrase translation.
- Sentence to sentence translation.
- Paragraph to paragraph translation
- Discourse to discourse translation
Jacobson, 1959:234 divides translation into three types :
1. Intralingual
Interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same
language. E.g. Paraphrasing
2. Interlingual translation.
Interpretation of verbal signs by means of other languages.
E.g. the replacement of SL text into the
equivalent TL text.
3. Intersemiotic translation.
Interpretation of verbal signs by means of sign systems.
E.g. From verbal art into music, dance , cinema or painting.
Savory categorizes translation into four types:
1. Perfect translation
Translation which contains purely informative
statement, such as notices which are hung in public places. E.g. in some air terminals.
“Please ensure that your baggage is correct
before leaving the air terminal.”
2. Adequate translation.
Translation which
is intended for entertainment E.g. Translating novel, story etc
3. Composite
Translation which is focused on the intellectual
exercises to get intellectual pleasure.
E.g. Translation of prose into prose, poetry into poetry or vise versa.
4. Scientific and technical translation.
Translation that is needed to gain intrinsic
important of the original work.
State which of the following translations belongs to
full, partial, or total translation.
- Bill will arrive here soon = Bill akan segera datang kemari.
- Ibu senang makan rujak = Mother likes to eat rujak..
- My father has worked hard = Ayah saya telah bekerja giat.
- John akan pergi ke Surabaya besok = John will go to Surabaya tomorrow.
Translate the following using perfect translation.
- No trespassing
- Dilarang masuk kecuali peserta ujian dan pengawas ujian.
- Silahkan memeriksa jawaban anda sekali lagi.
- Pastikan sepeda motor anda terkunci.
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